This summer, the Alabama Natural History Museum is offering a great series of programs for children and families. These events include: Junior Naturalist, activities in the discovery lab, Paleontology Show and Tell, Learn About Layers (Geology), and Museum Fossil Excursion Day Trips.
The Alabama Natural History Museum is located located on the University of Alabama campus at Smith Hall (427 Sixth Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487). CLICK HERE to for admission cost.
Junior Naturalist
"We don’t often see them in the wild, but they play a very important role in our ecosystems. Join us as we discuss the traits of owls and other predatory birds. Nature is all around us and ready to explore! Junior Naturalists (Grades K-5) will learn about the outdoors, natural history, and science together with your family in this hands-on experience. Register Here: "
Cost: $8 per child/ adult pair
Grades: K- 5
Dates: July 8
Activities in the Discovery Lab
"Visit the Alabama Museum of Natural History and drop in for natural history-themed activities for kids (Grades: K-5) in the Discovery Lab! Activities are free with museum admission."
Cost: included in museum admission
Grades: K-5
Dates: July 10, 17, 24, 31
Paleontology Show & Tell
"Discover the wonders of what paleontology is and what types of tools they use to uncover different type of fossils! Participants (Grades 1-3) will have a show and tell experience with real life fossils and equipment and dress up as a paleontologist. Program FREE with Museum Admission.
Location: Alabama Museum of Natural History Grand Gallery (2nd Floor)"
Cost: included in museum admission
Grades: 1-3
Dates: July 13, 20, 27
Learn About Layers (Geology)
"Grades K-4 are invited to learn about the geography and geology of the world! In this program, participants will learn about the layers of the earth, the importance of maps, the types of rocks, and play games. Location The museum is located in Smith Hall on the University of Alabama campus."
Cost: included in museum admission
Grades: K-4
Dates: July 18, 27, August 1, 8
Museum Fossil Excursion Day Trips
"Our Museum Fossil Excursion Day Trips travel to the Black Belt of Alabama in search of vertebrate and invertebrate fossils from the Cretaceous Age. Participants of all ages should be prepared to get wet and muddy as we wade through shallow streams to collect shark teeth and other marine fossils from streambed gravel deposits. All participants 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. The price includes roundtrip transportation from the museum to the site. Register and pay online through our online store." Click HERE to register and pay for fossil trips.
If you have any questions about these programs or the Alabama Natural History Museum, please, call Joyia Davis at (205) 348-6383 or email