I am not really what you would call “a bug person”. I get nervous at the sight of cockroaches. If I saw a bee flying in the wild, I would try to evade it. And I would be hesitant to pet a tarantula. However, since I started working for The University of Alabama Museums, I’ve come to appreciate the importance and awesome abilities of insects.
Did you know that Spider-man’s amazing superpowers are based on Jumping Spiders? Did you know that bugs are involved in fashion? Did you know that honey bees can control the temperatures of their hives? These were all things I, certainly, didn’t know before working with the museums and have now become topics that I find absolutely fascinating about our natural world.
With the all-ages and family-friendly Bama Bug Fest, the Alabama Museum of Natural History invites you to celebrate the diversity and benefits of bugs on April 9th from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM.
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What hatched as a small nature-themed museum event a few years ago has metamorphosed into the Bama Bug Fest, a community celebration of “bugs.” What the public calls “bugs” are more properly known as “arthropods” (in Greek, it means “jointed leg”), a group that makes up three-quarters of all animal species on Earth.
Since “bugs” are often maligned in society, the event serves as a meaningful chance to educate the public about the roles these creatures serve in our world, and to learn about the diversity of arthropods that can be found in Alabama and our own backyards.
Bama Bug Fest attendees can enjoy seeing live insects (including an active honey bee hive), witnessing bugs create works of art (using nontoxic paints), cheering on cockroaches at the tractor pull races (don’t worry, this doesn’t hurt them), attending story time with the Tuscaloosa Public Library, and participating in fun and educational activities. Food trucks will also be on-site. For more information about the event, parking, and things to do, visit bamabugfest.org.
You don’t need to be a “bug person” to have fun at Bama Bug Fest! As someone who finds herself more “bug-friendly” these days, I would encourage you spend the afternoon with the Alabama Museum of Natural History on April 9th and take advantage of this free opportunity to discover, like I did, that these incredible, smart, and surprisingly beautiful creatures are important, not only to our world, but to our everyday lives.
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For more than 150 years, the Alabama Museum of Natural History has celebrated Alabama’s natural history through exhibitions, collections, and quality programs of teaching, research, and service.
For more information about the event, parking and things to do, visit the Bama Bug Fest website.