
Parent Resource Library/ Baby Talk

Located in University of Alabama

By Reagan Albright February 14, 2022

The PRL (Parent Resource Library) is open to anyone with children ages 5 and younger. We are open Monday & Tuesday 9:00-11:30, Wednesday 9:00-11:30, Thursday CLOSED, and Friday 9:00-11:30. We have children’s books, parenting books, and three different age groupings for parent-child activity kits. These are Baby Links (typically birth-12 months), Toddler Totes (typically 12 months-36 months), and Preschool Packs (typically 3 years-5 years). These items are able to be checked-out for 2 weeks at a time. During the times mentioned above, we are open for check-outs and free play. We strongly encourage our families to interact with their child and allow them to follow their child’s lead during that time. There is a monthly newsletter that parents can sign-up to receive. To do so, they can email me at or sign-up during a visit. Parking passes are provided.


The PRL also hosts STEAM Friday on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Each month we focus on one letter of STEAM. The month of February is technology and next month we will move to the next letter. These events begin at 9:30 and end at 11:30. These events are free and come and go in style. Parking passes are provided.


Baby TALK Times are for ages 36 months and younger. We are currently limited to 10 families and registration is required. Our next cycle of BTT will run March 22nd- May 10th with two class times. The times are 10:15-11:00 and 3:00-3:45. Our meeting days are set to every Tuesday during the dates given. To sign-up, parents can email me at or sign up during a visit. If they choose to sign-up via email, I will need their name, email, phone number, gender(s) and age(s) of the child(ren) attending. The email and phone number are only used to contact the families in case a class is cancelled due to sickness, weather, etc. These classes are free and parking passes are provided.


Our Facebook page is updated regularly with event info, closures, etc. The link for our page is

Child Development Resources 

The University of Alabama

651 Peter Bryce Boulevard

Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 

Phone 205-348-2232