
Love Bug Craft Instructions

Here's the instructions for the craft in our "Love Bug Bags"

By Joanna Lemmon, Owner of the Ladylines Art Garage February 8, 2022

We are so excited about our Love Bug Bag Giveaway!  Stop by Ladylines Art Garage this week to pick up your FREE craft supplies and Valentine treats.  We love our readers, and hope it shows.  We are especially grateful to Kim Harwood of Harwood Real Estate for sponsoring our bags.  Our friends from Chick-Fil-A Tuscaloosa and Monarch Espresso also tucked in some goodies you are going to love!  

Here are the directions you need to put together this really cute love bug!

Materials Needed:

 Cardboard Tube

 Assorted stickers

 Pipe Cleaner

 White paper strip

 (Crayons or Markers)

 Google eyes

 Glue stick

 Doilies

 Hearts


1. Decorate the white paper strip with stickers and/or use crayons or markers to add

extra designs.

2. Using the glue stick, add glue to the back of the paper strip.

3. Wrap the paper strip around the tube.

4. Using the glue add the hearts to the middle of the doilies.

5. Glue each doily to the back of the tube to act like wings.

6. Add pipe cleaners to the holes punched and twist into an antenna.

7. Add google eyes with glue.

8. Let Dry! Happy Valentine’s Day!