
University of Alabama Child Development Studies

By Stephanie Horton, MK Tuscaloosa Publisher November 21, 2021

In Tuscaloosa, there are so many great things to love.  One of them is the University of Alabama and its students.  Through the University, there are various research studies and opportunities you and/or your child can participate in.  Here are just a few that I have been given permission to share about.  

"Are you the parent of a 4-, 5-, or 6-year-old? 👩‍👧👨‍👦

The Alabama Cognitive Development Lab at The University of Alabama 🐘 is recruiting kiddos to participate in an ONLINE research study on children's pragmatic language development. 

Your child will play games 🎮 with a trained research assistant over Zoom in a 30-minute session and you will complete a brief online questionnaire. It is easy and FUN! 🎉

INTERESTED? Comment below or email"

"Are you the Mom of a 2-, 3-, or 4-year old?

Participate in a research study on how children learn to communicate with the University of Alabama and earn $25!

Questions? Email"

Other studies are available.  You can find more information on various studies by clicking HERE.